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fuge day two and three

Hello all!

I’m going to start out by just being completely honest, I am starting to get a little concerned about the boys. There is a rumor going around about some late night wrestling in the guys rooms (I’m sure that my husband is in no way encouraging this…I’m being sarcastic because I’m almost positive it was his idea in the first place..) They are also doing something they call “ghost walking.” If you don’t know what that is ask them about it when they get home..I’ll let them explain. My only concern about the girls is their increasing intake of vending machine food, but it wouldn’t really be summer camp without a little late night junk food!

We are all having a blast. The teens chose “tracks” on Monday that they have been participating in. Some of the teens chose hiking so Matt, Brick, Stephen and some of the teens went on a hike today. They said it was quite a hike but that it was such an awesome view once they made it to the top of the mountain. Some of the teens have been participating in aerobics, basketball, dodgeball, table games and even taking classes on world religions. Two of our guys signed up for aerobics and I find it so funny that they are still complaining about being 2 of 6 guys in a room full of 30 girls. Secretly, I think they knew that would be the case before they signed up 😉

On a more serious note, the service tonight and last night have both been wonderful for the teens and the adults. Last night Sammy Nuckolls talked about Rahab. He talked about how God used Rahab in the geneology of Christ despite her past. He pointed out how she affirmed her belief in God and then acknowledged His supreme authority (Joshua 2:11). Sammy encouraged the teens to “shed the labels” they may currently have and allow God’s grace to rescue them and use them in anyway He chooses.

Tonight Sammy talked about Shammah (yeah, I wasn’t sure who he was either..). Shammah’s story is found in 2 Samuel 23:11-12. Sammy talked about how Shammah defeated the Philistines and “the Lord worked a great victory” through him. He encouraged the teens to do something significant with their lives for the Lord. He gave them three pieces of advice:

1. Start where you are. (Today is the day that the Lord has given us- do something NOW!)

2. Use what you have.

3. Do what you can.

Sammy referred to the story of  the woman who annointed Jesus with expensive perfume. She used what she had and she did what she could- and her story is still told time and time again. Personally, I was very challenged by the message and so were the teens.

Everything else the teens did today centered around relating to authority. The main passage was from Matthew 14 when Jesus and Peter walked on the water. Tonight in church group devotion Brick led us in a discussion about authority figures in our lives and how we relate to them. The teens were very open and we had a great discussion and prayer time together.

Please keep praying for us. Pray that the kids will gain a deeper understanding of how “alive and active” the Word of God is.

I will be posting pictures tomorrow during my free time so check back.

Thanks for letting us hang out with your awesome teens this week, they have all been so respectful and well behaved- you should be proud!



3 responses to “fuge day two and three

  1. Richard Barnard ⋅

    Thanks, Allison! God is at work, and I am glad you and Brick will be part of it, even instruments in His hands! Have fun !!

  2. Chris Truett ⋅

    Sounds GREAT! Kim and I have been praying everyday for God to move in our students hearts and to begin a revival at Bethel through our students!!!! Thanks for the updates!!!

  3. michelle williams ⋅

    I went back and reread this post so we could reitterate what Cole learned at camp. Thanks for letting us know what they studied, so we could follow up on it at home. Cole had a blast, and he loved the “late night wrestling matches”. Thanks for all you and Brick do for the kids.

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